I ove godine pozvani smo i sudjelovali smo na EIP-AGRI radionici – Oblikovanje misije EU – ‘Briga o tlu je briga o životu’ 20. – 21. listopada 2020. – Online
Zahvaljujemo na pozivu i prepoznavanju našeg rada u području očuvanja tla.
Image may contain: 4 people, text that says "EIP- AGRI WORKSHOP SHAPING THE EU MISSION CARING FOR SOIL CARING FOR LIFE' THANK YOU! eip-agri INNONarIOR ACRIEIATIRE tndidby EIP-AGRI Workshop Shaping the EU mission Caring soil is caring life' 20-21 October 2020 Online Organised the European Commission, and Rural Development and Agriculture Service Point Thank you all for your active, dynamic and enthusiastic participation in this workshop! BACKGROUND INFORMATION Workshop materials You can now following materials on the Final programme registrations ist Speaker Presentations and videos"